• The Mini-Zoo

From animals in your backyard to animals from around the world, observe reptiles, birds, primates and more around our replica Banyan Tree.

Learn more about the animals that call the MAS their home below!

Gopher Tortoise

Gopherus polyphemus

The Gopher Tortoise is the state reptile of Georgia, and can be primarily found in the Southeastern United States in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. They are herbivorous, eating mainly plants. The Gopher Tortoise is considered a key stone species, meaning that they have a major impact on the environment. They dig burrows 40 feet long, and 10 feet wide which house at least three hundred other species, from foxes to rattlesnakes.


American Alligator

Alligator mississippiensis

American Alligators can be found throughout the Southeaster United States and grow to be approximately 10-13 feet long. With approsimately 83 teeth, American Alligators have the third strongest bite in the world, with a bite force of approximately 3,000 lbs. They are carnivores, feeding on fish, birds, mammals, and other reptiles. Alligators thrive on land and in the water; they can swim and run at quick speeds.



Chinchilla lanigera

Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents found in the Andes mountains in South America. They are one of the softest animals in the world due to their extremely dense fur, and were nearly hunted to extinction during the twentieth century. These small mammals eat plant leaves, fruits, seeds, and small insects. They are fast runners and can jump up to 6 ft high!


Barred Owl

Strix varia

Barred Owls are native to Georgia and you will likely be able to see one in your yard! They have adapted to live in urban and suburban areas, feeding on rats, mice, and other creatures. You may have already heard their call, which sounds like "who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?" Barred Owls are nocturnal, but can hunt in the daytime.


Corn Snake

Pantherophis guttata

Corn snakes are abundant in Georgia, and you can find them in your own backyard! These colorful snakes don't eat corn; instead they feed on rats, birds and other small mammals. They have special scales on their undersides which make them excellent climbers, and they are often seen in trees or climbing in bushes. Corn snakes are active both day and night, but tend to become more nocturnal in the summer months to avoid the heat.


Eastern King Snake

Lampropeltis getula

Eastern King Snakes are non-venemous snakes found in the Southeastern United States. They are identified by their striking yellow/white bands on their black body. The king snake gets its name from its primary diet- other snakes (including venemous ones)! They constrict their prey and are one of the strongest snakes in the world (pound for pound).


Geoffroy's Tamarin

Saguinus geoffroyi

Geoffroy's Tamarins are a species of small monkey that is native to Panama and Colombia. These diurnal primates are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in the trees, only coming down to the ground on occasion. Their diet consists of fruits, insects, and plant parts, which can change seasonally. They are Panama's smallest primate species and are roughly the size of a squirrel. Geoffroy's Tamarins are social and live in groups of 3-5 monkeys.


Black Vulture

Coragyps atratus

Black Vultures are native to Georgia, and their range extends from the southern United States through most of South America. Black Vultures are scavengers, which means they feed on carrion (flesh of dead/decaying animals). Black vultures play an important role in our ecosystem by disposing of carrion which can be a breeding ground of disease. These birds are highly social and can live in flocks of all sizes- from a few individuals to hundreds.


Moluccan Cockatoo

Cacatua moluccensis

Moluccan Cockatoos are the largest sqecies of the white cockatoos standing at 20 inches tall. These birds can be found in lowland forests of the Maluku Islands (Moluccas) of eastern Indonesia, but are popular in the pet trade. Their diet consists of seeds, nuts, and fruit, in which they use their extremely strong beak to forage for. The bite force of a Moluccan Cockatoo is approximately 350 psi, which is nearly equivalent to the bite force of a Husky!


Albino Burmese Python

Python bivitattus

Burmese Pythons are one of the largest species of snakes in the world, growing approximatley 16 feet long! Found in Southeast Asia, Burmese Pythons are found in the rainforest and can stay submerged under water for up to 30 minutes. They primarily eat birds and mammals, and are constrictors, meaning they squeeze their prey before swallowing it whole. Burmese Pythons can be found in Florida, but are an invasive species.


Bearded Dragon

Pogona vitticeps

Bearded Dragons are a popular lizard in the pet trade, but are native to central Australia. They get their name from the pouch under their neck and chin that turns darker than the rest of the body, giving the appearance of a beard. Their diet in the wild consists of plants, insects, and occasionally small mice. The Bearded Dragon is semi-arboreal and can be found on rocks and bushes.


African Straw-Colored Fruit Bat

Eidolon helvum

The Straw-Colored Fruit Bat is a large fruit bat that can be found from the southwestern Arabian Peninsula to forest and savanna zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Straw-colored fruit bats make up the largest mammalian migration on the planet, where up to 10 million bats congregate in Kasanka National Park. Their diet consists of primarily bark, flowers, leaves, nectar, and fruits.