Natural Forces
November 9, 2022 – January 14, 2023
Georgia-based Artist Amy Landesberg explores patterns that emerge from forces of nature through her “Natural Forces” series. Displayed will be a series of works in ink on custom embossed paper, all of which are derived from site photography, gps data, or scientific illustration. The force of water, for example, is explored through patterns of Stachybotrys mold, topographic changes through erosion, air-borne vapor, and the deformation of lake bottom clay through the loss of water during drought. An accomplished artist and architect, Landesberg’s work overlaps this boundary in content, complexity, and scope. She studied art at Georgia State University and architecture at Yale. She has taught design in art and architecture schools throughout the United States including Princeton, Columbia, Tulane, and Georgia Tech. Family Fun activities to complement this exhibit will occur on Saturday, November 19, 2022, National Geography Awareness Day.