Adjacent to the Discovery House, the Museum’s Mini-Zoo is centered around a replica Banyan Tree and is home to the Museum’s collection of live animals. Housing a variety of animal species, the Mini-Zoo contains forest, pond, and desert habitats.

The live animal collection at the Museum contains more than 70 animals, including amphibians, birds, invertebrates, mammals, and reptiles.

Pogona is a genus of reptiles containing eight lizard species, which are often known by the common name bearded dragons.

This pink bird is from East Indonesia. Their native habitat is the forest and they eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some insects.

Axolotls are small amphibians that are native to Mexico. It is a type of salamander and preys on worms, insects, and small fish.

Blue and Gold Macaws are large parrots native to South America. They can live to be over 80 years old, and eat plants, nuts, fruits, and seeds.

The Green Iguana is a large Central American lizard. In the wild, you would find them climbing trees near rivers in tropical rainforests. The adults are herbivores and eat leaves, fruits and flowers while the juveniles need protein and include insects in their diet as well. They can grow to 6′ and use their long tail as a whip to protect themselves.

Honduran Milksnakes are big, aggressive feeders that live on the ground in the rainforest of Honduras. Adults can grow to 6 feet in length. Milksnakes typically feed on other snakes, lizards, frogs, and other cold-blooded animals in the wild. Farmers mistakenly believed these snakes stole milk from their cows, hence the name.

Sinaloan Milksnakes are medium-sized snakes that live on the ground in the rainforest of Sinaloa, Mexico. Adults can grow to 5 feet in length. Milksnakes typically feed on other snakes, lizards, frogs, and other cold-blooded animals in the wild. Farmers mistakenly believed these snakes stole milk from their cows, hence the name.

Found all over the Eastern United States, kingsnakes typically feed on small mammals, other snakes, lizards, frogs, and other cold-blooded animals in the wild. They are immune to the venom of the rattlesnake and will eat them.

Ball Pythons are from the savannahs and dry woodlands of tropical West Africa. Found mostly on the ground, their coloration helps them blend in with the grass and brush cover. They are nocturnal, foraging for small rodents at night. They use the heat-sensing pits that surround their mouth to locate prey.

Found in the deserts of Southern California, United States. Our specimen is an albino, desert phase snake. Snake breeders often value the albino trait in the pet trade, but this coloration in the wild would be lethal.

The Corn Snake is found in most of the United States. This snake has beautiful orange, red and black colorations marking its body. The ventral scales have the beaded look of Indian corn, hence the name.

This is a medium-sized freshwater turtle from Southeastern North America. Red patches on side of head help identify this turtle. Adult Sliders are herbivores and eat aquatic plants while the juveniles eat fish, crawfish and assorted insects.

This is a large fresh water turtle from southeastern North America. Cooters eat fish, crawfish and assorted insects. They can grow up to 16″.

Native to Georgia, the American Alligator can be found in swamps and marshes in the southeastern part of North America. They eat fish, mammals, birds, turtles, snakes, frogs and invertebrates and may grow up to a foot per year. The largest record of an alligator is 20 feet long and weighing in at 1000 pounds. Their powerful tail is used for swimming and the feet are webbed to help swim and to walk in mud.