January 5 Through April 15, 2018
Abstract painting can appear in many forms – as a visual phenomenon, perceptual conundrum, or personal testament. Victoria Lowe’s paintings encompass all of these modes and go further to become deeply immersive experiences. Expansive fields of sprayed color deliver us into an indeterminate space that seems to expand, pulse, or glow.
Four decades of abstract paintings by Alabama-based Artist Victoria Lowe explore atmospheric surfaces and gradations of color. Inspired by stargazing with a telescope, and the feeling of sublime connectedness to things beyond the physical environment and conscious comprehension, Lowe’s painted atmospheres include abstract fields activated by coronas of color, expansive illuminated spaces, and shifting geometric realities. Resulting from the application of nearly fifty layers of sprayed paint, the tiny particles of pigment of each work act like pixels, interacting with adjacent hues to create new, subtle colors and a sense of depth.
Consistent through this body of work is a concern with energy in its many forms and the viewer’s deep emotional response to color. Lowe’s painted atmospheres are free of narrative or subject matter, but invite viewers to experience the depth of their own imagination.
Exhibition organized through Katharine T. Carter & Associates.